Tuesday, September 18

A fire once broke out in a house where ‘Alî bin Husayn – Allah have mercy on him – was prostrate in prayer. He didn’t raise his head until the fire went out. When asked about this he said: The other Fire kept my mind busy.

The Secret Charity of ‘Alî b. Husayn

It is reported that there used to be poor people in Al-Madînah who didn’t know where they were getting their food from. When ‘Alî b. Husayn passed away, they started missing what they used to be given at night.

Abû Hamzah Al-Thumâlî narrates that ‘Alî b. Husayn used to carry bread on his back in the darkness of the night and follow the poor people (to give it to them). He used to say, “Charity in the darkness of the night extinguishes the Lords anger.”

‘Amr b. Thâbit reports that when ‘Alî b. Husayn died, they found marks on his back from the sacks of provisions he used to carry at night to the houses of the widows.

Shaybah b. Nu’âmah narrates that when ‘Alî b. Husayn died they found out that he used to provide for a hundred (poor) families.

Al-Dhahabî in Siyar A’lâm Al-Nubalâ’ under the biography of ‘Alî b. Husayn Zayn Al-‘Âbidîn.

‘Alî b. Husayn, known as Zayn Al-‘Âbidîn for his devout worship, was the great-grandson of the Prophet – Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him. He was the only surviving son of Husayn, son of ‘Ali b. Abî Tâlib – Allah be please with them.

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