Imam Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy upon him, said in Madarij al-Salikin (2/68):
''Allah said: He Who created death and life, to test which of you are best in action. [al-Mulk 67:2]
Fudayl ibn 'Iyad said [about this verse]: 'It is what is most sincere and most correct.' They asked: O Abu 'Ali, what is most sincere and most correct? He replied: 'An action, if it is sincere but not correct, will not be accepted. If it is correct but not sincere, it will [also] not be accepted; until it is both sincere and correct. Sincere means that it is exclusively for Allah, and correct means that it conforms to the Sunnah.'"
Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy upon him, said in Madarij al-Salikin (2/70):
"It has been said: 'Sincerity is to forget the creation seeing you because of continually looking towards the Creator. Whoever adorns himself before the people with what he does not possess, has fallen from Allah's grace.'
From the words of Fudayl are: 'Leaving an action for people's sake is ostentation (riya'), whereas doing an action for people's sake is shirk. Sincerity is where Allah saves you from both of these.'
Al-Junayd said: 'Sincerity is a secret (sirr) between Allah and His servant which not even the angel knows so as to record it; nor does Satan know so as to corrupt it; nor is the desire (hawa) aware of it so as to influence it.'
It was said to Sahl: What is the hardest thing upon the ego (nafs)? He replied: 'Sincerity, because the ego has no share of it.'''
Imam Ibn al-Qayyim said about conformity (2/348):
"The master of the spiritual faction (sayyid al-ta'ifah) and their shaykh - Al-Junayd ibn Muhammad, may Allah's mercy be upon him - said: 'The paths, all of them are closed to the creation, except for one who emulates the footsteps of the Messenger; may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him.'
He [also] said: 'Whoever does not memorize the Qur'an nor record the hadith should not be followed in this matter, because our science is confined to the Book and the Sunnah.'
Abu Sulayman al-Darani,may Allah have mercy upon him, said: 'Indeed a word of wisdom occurs to my heart as it does to the nation [of the righteous], but I do not accept it until it is supported by two just witnesses: the Book and the Sunnah.'
From the footnotes of The Exquisite Pearl By Shaykh 'Abd al-Rahman al-Sa'di
''Allah said: He Who created death and life, to test which of you are best in action. [al-Mulk 67:2]
Fudayl ibn 'Iyad said [about this verse]: 'It is what is most sincere and most correct.' They asked: O Abu 'Ali, what is most sincere and most correct? He replied: 'An action, if it is sincere but not correct, will not be accepted. If it is correct but not sincere, it will [also] not be accepted; until it is both sincere and correct. Sincere means that it is exclusively for Allah, and correct means that it conforms to the Sunnah.'"
Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy upon him, said in Madarij al-Salikin (2/70):
"It has been said: 'Sincerity is to forget the creation seeing you because of continually looking towards the Creator. Whoever adorns himself before the people with what he does not possess, has fallen from Allah's grace.'
From the words of Fudayl are: 'Leaving an action for people's sake is ostentation (riya'), whereas doing an action for people's sake is shirk. Sincerity is where Allah saves you from both of these.'
Al-Junayd said: 'Sincerity is a secret (sirr) between Allah and His servant which not even the angel knows so as to record it; nor does Satan know so as to corrupt it; nor is the desire (hawa) aware of it so as to influence it.'
It was said to Sahl: What is the hardest thing upon the ego (nafs)? He replied: 'Sincerity, because the ego has no share of it.'''
Imam Ibn al-Qayyim said about conformity (2/348):
"The master of the spiritual faction (sayyid al-ta'ifah) and their shaykh - Al-Junayd ibn Muhammad, may Allah's mercy be upon him - said: 'The paths, all of them are closed to the creation, except for one who emulates the footsteps of the Messenger; may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him.'
He [also] said: 'Whoever does not memorize the Qur'an nor record the hadith should not be followed in this matter, because our science is confined to the Book and the Sunnah.'
Abu Sulayman al-Darani,may Allah have mercy upon him, said: 'Indeed a word of wisdom occurs to my heart as it does to the nation [of the righteous], but I do not accept it until it is supported by two just witnesses: the Book and the Sunnah.'
From the footnotes of The Exquisite Pearl By Shaykh 'Abd al-Rahman al-Sa'di
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