It was reported that the Prophet (SAAS) stayed up all night, standing until his feet became swollen. When he was asked, “Why are you doing this, when Allâh has forgiven all your past and future wrong actions?” he replied, “Should I not be a grateful slave?” (al-Bukhârî, Muslim)
The Prophet (SAAS) told Mu‘âdh (RA): “By Allâh, I love you, so do not forget to say at the end of every salâh, ‘O Allâh, help me to remember You and to give thanks to You and to worship You well’” (Ahmad, at-Tirmidhî).
Hishâm ibn ‘Urwah said: “Among the du‘â of the Prophet (SAAS) is: ‘O Allâh, help me to remember You, to give thanks to You and to worship You well.’”
Ibn ‘Abbâs (RA) narrated that the Prophet (SAAS) said: “There are four qualities, whoever is given them has truly been given the best in this world and the next. They are: a grateful heart (that is thankful to Allâh), a remembering tongue (that mentions Allâh often), an enduring body (to persevere through the trials which Allâh may send), and a faithful wife (who does not cheat him of her body or his wealth).”
Al-Qâsim ibn Muhammad reported from ‘Ā’ishah (RA) that the Prophet (SAAS) said: “No blessing is bestowed on a slave and he realizes that it is from Allâh, but the reward of giving gratitude for it is written for him. Never does Allâh know the regret of His slave for a wrong action he has committed, but Allâh forgives his wrong action before the slave seeks forgiveness. No man buys a garment with his own money then puts it on and thanks Allâh, but Allâh will have forgiven him all his wrong action before the garment reaches his knees.”
The Prophet (SAAS) said: “Allâh is pleased with His slave if, when he eats something, he thanks Allâh for it, and when he drinks something, he thanks Allâh for it” (Muslim).
Shu‘bah said: “At-Fadl ibn Fudalah narrated that Abû Rajah al ‘Utaridî said: ‘Once we saw ‘Imrân ibn al-Husayn wearing beautiful clothes that we have never seen before or since. ‘Imrân told us that the Prophet (SAAS) said: “If Allâh bestows His blessing on His slave, He likes to see the effect of that blessing on him.” ’”
Ibn Shu‘aib narrated from his father and grandfather that the Prophet (SAAS) said: “Eat, drink, and give sadaqah without being extravagant or showing off, as Allâh likes to see the effect of His blessing on His slave.”
Shu‘bah narrated from Abu Ishâq from Abu’l-Akhwas who narrated that his father said: “I came to the Messenger of Allâh (SAAS) looking dishevelled and scruffy. He asked me, ‘Do you have any possessions?’ I said, ‘Yes.’ He asked me what sort, and I told him, ‘I have all sorts. Allâh has given me camels, horses, slaves and sheep.’ The Prophet (SAAS) said: ‘If Allâh has given you all of that, then let Him see His blessing on you.’”
Abu’d-Dunyâ narrated the hadîth of Abû ‘Abdi’r-Rahmân as-Silmî from ash-Sha‘bî, from an-Nu‘man ibn Bashîr, who said: “The Messenger of Allâh (SAAS) said: ‘Speaking of Allâh’s blessing is gratitude and ignoring it is ingratitude (kufr). The one who does not give thanks for a small blessing will not give thanks for a great blessing, and the one who does not give thanks to people will not give thanks to Allâh. To be with a group is a blessing, and to be alone is a punishment.’”
Ibn Abi’d-Dunyâ narrated that ‘Ā’ishah (RA) said that the Prophet (SAAS) entered upon her one day and saw a small piece of bread on the floor, so he picked it up and wiped it, then told her: “O ‘Ā’ishah, treat the blessings of Allâh with respect, for when it departs from a household it may never come back to them.”
Ad-Darwardî narrated from ‘Amr ibn Abî ‘Amr from Sa‘îd al-Maqburî from Abû Hurairah (RA) that the Messenger of Allâh (SAAS) said: Allâh said: ‘The position of the believer in relation to Me is of the best: he praises Me even when I am pulling the soul from his body.’”
Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated that the Prophet (SAAS) said: “If any of you would like to see the great blessing of Allâh on him, then let him look at those who are less fortunate than him, not those who appear better off than him.”
The Prophet (SAAS) told Mu‘âdh (RA): “By Allâh, I love you, so do not forget to say at the end of every salâh, ‘O Allâh, help me to remember You and to give thanks to You and to worship You well’” (Ahmad, at-Tirmidhî).
Hishâm ibn ‘Urwah said: “Among the du‘â of the Prophet (SAAS) is: ‘O Allâh, help me to remember You, to give thanks to You and to worship You well.’”
Ibn ‘Abbâs (RA) narrated that the Prophet (SAAS) said: “There are four qualities, whoever is given them has truly been given the best in this world and the next. They are: a grateful heart (that is thankful to Allâh), a remembering tongue (that mentions Allâh often), an enduring body (to persevere through the trials which Allâh may send), and a faithful wife (who does not cheat him of her body or his wealth).”
Al-Qâsim ibn Muhammad reported from ‘Ā’ishah (RA) that the Prophet (SAAS) said: “No blessing is bestowed on a slave and he realizes that it is from Allâh, but the reward of giving gratitude for it is written for him. Never does Allâh know the regret of His slave for a wrong action he has committed, but Allâh forgives his wrong action before the slave seeks forgiveness. No man buys a garment with his own money then puts it on and thanks Allâh, but Allâh will have forgiven him all his wrong action before the garment reaches his knees.”
The Prophet (SAAS) said: “Allâh is pleased with His slave if, when he eats something, he thanks Allâh for it, and when he drinks something, he thanks Allâh for it” (Muslim).
Shu‘bah said: “At-Fadl ibn Fudalah narrated that Abû Rajah al ‘Utaridî said: ‘Once we saw ‘Imrân ibn al-Husayn wearing beautiful clothes that we have never seen before or since. ‘Imrân told us that the Prophet (SAAS) said: “If Allâh bestows His blessing on His slave, He likes to see the effect of that blessing on him.” ’”
Ibn Shu‘aib narrated from his father and grandfather that the Prophet (SAAS) said: “Eat, drink, and give sadaqah without being extravagant or showing off, as Allâh likes to see the effect of His blessing on His slave.”
Shu‘bah narrated from Abu Ishâq from Abu’l-Akhwas who narrated that his father said: “I came to the Messenger of Allâh (SAAS) looking dishevelled and scruffy. He asked me, ‘Do you have any possessions?’ I said, ‘Yes.’ He asked me what sort, and I told him, ‘I have all sorts. Allâh has given me camels, horses, slaves and sheep.’ The Prophet (SAAS) said: ‘If Allâh has given you all of that, then let Him see His blessing on you.’”
Abu’d-Dunyâ narrated the hadîth of Abû ‘Abdi’r-Rahmân as-Silmî from ash-Sha‘bî, from an-Nu‘man ibn Bashîr, who said: “The Messenger of Allâh (SAAS) said: ‘Speaking of Allâh’s blessing is gratitude and ignoring it is ingratitude (kufr). The one who does not give thanks for a small blessing will not give thanks for a great blessing, and the one who does not give thanks to people will not give thanks to Allâh. To be with a group is a blessing, and to be alone is a punishment.’”
Ibn Abi’d-Dunyâ narrated that ‘Ā’ishah (RA) said that the Prophet (SAAS) entered upon her one day and saw a small piece of bread on the floor, so he picked it up and wiped it, then told her: “O ‘Ā’ishah, treat the blessings of Allâh with respect, for when it departs from a household it may never come back to them.”
Ad-Darwardî narrated from ‘Amr ibn Abî ‘Amr from Sa‘îd al-Maqburî from Abû Hurairah (RA) that the Messenger of Allâh (SAAS) said: Allâh said: ‘The position of the believer in relation to Me is of the best: he praises Me even when I am pulling the soul from his body.’”
Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated that the Prophet (SAAS) said: “If any of you would like to see the great blessing of Allâh on him, then let him look at those who are less fortunate than him, not those who appear better off than him.”
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