Sunday, June 17

Ibn al-Jawzi said in Talbees,

The heart is like a fort that is surrounded by a wall and the wall has gates from which it can be torn down. In it lies the mind. The angels frequent that fort and next to that fort are places where the desires lie. And the devils enter into this surrounding area without being prevented from doing so. And the war exists between the inhabitants of the fort and the inhabitants of the surrounding areas. The devils never stop circling the fort and looking for an opening where the guard is heedless and from where he can tear down the fort. It is obligatory for the guards to be completely aware of all of the gates of the fort that must be guarded as well as all of its weak points from which destruction can come. The guard cannot take a break because the enemy never takes a break. A man said to al-Hasan al-Basri, “Does Iblees sleep?” He answered, “If he were to sleep we could then have a rest.” The fort is lit by the remembrance of Allah and faith in Him. In it is a polished looking glass through which [the guardians] can then see anything that passes by. The first thing that Satan does is to blow smoke into the fort to make its walls black. This causes rust and damage in the fort. Sound thought repels Satan and remembrance of Allah cleans the looking glass. The enemy has carriages and sometimes they are able to enter the fort. The guards may come upon them and force them to leave. Perhaps they may enter due to the heedlessness or carelessness of the guards. Perhaps, due to the smoke and the rust, Satan enters through any way and he is not perceived. Perhaps the guard is injured by the heedlessness or is taken prisoner and led to the following of the desires. And perhaps he becomes like the jurist who does evil.’

Thursday, June 14

Ten Oppressors

Sufyan ath-Thauri, may Allah have mercy on him, said that ten people are regarded as oppressors:

1. The person who prays for himself, but forgets his parents and other believers.
2. The person who does not recite at least a hundred verses of the Qur’an daily.
3. The person who leaves the Masjid without performing at least two raka’ahs of salah.
4. The person who passes a graveyard without greeting the deceased or praying for them.
5. The person who enters a city on a Friday and leaves without performing the Friday prayer.
6. That man or woman in whose vicinity a learned person comes and none acquires any religious knowledge from him.
7. Those two people who love each other for the pleasure of Allah but are unaware of each others names.
8. That person who is invited by another but does not accept his invitation (when acceptance does not contradict the Shari`ah).
9. That youngster that has no commitments yet does not acquire any religious knowledge or manners.
10. That person who has eaten to his fill while his neighbour goes hungry.

Tuesday, June 12

The ways of Shaytan

Ibn al-Qayyim wrote:

From his stratagem is that he always bewitches the mind until he can deceive the person. No one is safe from his bewitching except whomsoever Allah wills. He makes good looking to him what harms him the most, until he imagines that it is the most beneficial act for himself. And he makes him flee from the most beneficial act until he thinks it is something harmful to him. Certainly, there is no god but Allah. How many hearts have been tested by such sorcery. How many hearts have been kept from Islam, faith and goodness [by such sorcery]. And how many support and present falsehood in the best form and hate truth and present it in the worst form [because of his deception]. And how much falseness is adored and shown in a desirous manner to the alert.And how much falseness is spread even among the wise. He is the one who Bewitches the mind until it follows different desires and various evil Opinions. He makes them follow every path of misguidance. He leads them to actions, one after another, that cause their destruction.

Monday, June 11

How You Deal With Others Is How You Will Be Dealt With!

A wise man once said to his son, “My son, do not become resentful when you are afflicted with trials, for indeed that is tantamount to having bad thoughts about one’s Lord, and also, it gives pleasure to one’s enemy. Do not mock anyone; I was afflicted in the same way as the person who I mocked. In this world, man is a target of arrows that come to him successively: some pass him by, some fall short, some fall to his right and others to his left and some strike him. Know that for every deed, you are to be rewarded, and how you deal with others is how you will be dealt with. And whoever is dutiful to his parents, his children will be dutiful to him. Avoid greed and ambition, for both represent poverty in the present. Fear Allah as much as you are able. And if you are able to make today better than yesterday and tomorrow better than today and your secrets better than your outward deeds, then do so. Beware of deeds that you have to apologize for, for one never has to apologize for goodness. When you stand for prayer, perform it like the one saying farewell, as if you feel that you will never afterwards again (i.e. dying). Adhere to modesty, and you will be of its people. Do not inflict harm upon others; rather give them good, and forgive if you are able to. Do not be miserly if you are asked for something and do not tarry when one seeks help from you. Whoever is stingy, then Allah will make things narrow for him; and whoever gives, then Allah will give him a replacement for what he gave.”

Sunday, June 10

Advice To His Son: Imam Ibn Al-Jawzi

Know, dear son, that days are but hours, and hours are but breaths, and every soul is a container, hence let not any breath pass without any benefit, such as on the Day of Judgment you find an empty container and feel regret! Be aware of every hour and how it passes, and only spend it in the best possible way; do not neglect yourself, but render it accustomed to the noblest and best of actions, and send to your grave that which will please you when you arrive to it.

Imam Ibn al-Jawzi rahimallahullah in his letter of advice to his son, “Laftat al-Kabid fee Naseehat al-Walad.

Friday, June 8

The Noble Qur'an

1 - The Messenger of Allah said:

"Whoever wants to to love Allah and His Messenger, then let him read the Mushaf."

['Sahih al-Jami''; # 6289]

2 - Ibn 'Abbas narrated:

"al-Walid bin al-Mughirah (a polytheist) came to the Messenger of Allah. The Messenger of Allah recited the Qur'an to him, and al-Walid seemed to become affected and softened by it. Abu Jahl came to know of this, so, he came to al-Walid and said: "Don't you see that your people are collecting charity for you?"

He said: "And why is that?"

Abu Jahl replied: "So that they can give it to you, as they see that you went to Muhammad to get some of his food."

al-Walid said: "Quraysh knows that I am of the wealthiest of its sons."

Abu Jahl said: "So, say to Muhammad something that would convince your people that you oppose him."

al-Walid replied: "And what can I possibly say? There is not a single man who is more knowledgable of poetry or prose than I, or even that of the Jinn, and by Allah, what he says bears no resemblance to these things. By Allah, what he says has a sweetness to it, and a charm upon it; the highest part of it is fruitful and the lowest part of it is gushing forth with bounty; it dominates and cannot be dominated, and it crushes all that is under it.""

[Reported by al-Hakim in 'al-Mustadrak' (2/506-507) and at-Tabari in 'Jami' al-Bayan' (29/156), and it is authentic]

3 - Jubayr bin Mut'im said:

"I heard the Messeger of Allah recite 'at-Tur' in the Maghrib prayer, and when he got to the verses {"Were they created by nothing, or were they themselves the creators? Or did they create the heavens and the earth? No, but they have no firm Belief. Or are with them the treasures of your Lord? Or are they the tyrants with the authority to do as they like?"} [at-Tur; 35-37], my heart wanted to fly from my body out of awe."

['Tafsir Ibn Kathir'; 4/309]

4 - 'Uthman bin 'Affan said:

"If our hearts were truly pure, we would never get enough of the Words of our Lord, and I hate that one day passes with me not looking in the Mushaf."

['al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah'; 7/215]

5 - Ibn Abi Mulaykah narrated:

"'Ikrimah bin Abi Jahl used to press the Mushaf to his face and cry, saying: "The Book of my Lord! The Words of my Lord!""

[Reported by 'Abdullah bin al-Mubarak in 'al-Jihad'; # 56]

6 - Bishr bin as-Sirri said:

"Verily, each verse is like a date: the more you chew it, the more of its sweetness is released." Abu Sulayman heard this and commented: "True. It is the case with one of you that if he begins one chapter of it, he wants to read it to the end."

['al-Hadith fi 'Ulum al-Qur'an'; p. 70]

Thursday, June 7

Five Things Cause Five Others

Abu Hurayrah, radhiallahu `anhu said, "If anyone has five things then he will not be deprived of five others.

1. He who is enabled to show gratitude will never be deprived of increase of blessings.

"If you give thanks, certainly I will give you more." (14:7)

2. He who is guided to persevere will not be deprived of reward.

"Truly the persevering will be paid their reward in full without reckoning." (39:10)

3. One who is inspired to repent will not be deprived of its acceptance:

"And He is (Allah) Who accepts repentance from His servants." (42:25)

4. One who is enabled to seek forgiveness will not be deprived of receiving pardon.

"Seek forgiveness of your Lord; surely He is Ever-Forgiving." (71:10)

5. He who is spurred to make supplication is not deprived of an answer.

"Call upon Me, and I shall answer you." (40:60)

Someone else added a sixth proposition that one who is encouraged to spend will not be deprived of reward thereof.

"And whatsoever you expend (for good) He shall replace it." (34:39)

Begin with Yourself

A man to Ibn Abbas and said, “O Ibn Abbas, I went to enjoin people to do good and forbid them from doing evil.” Ibn Abbas said, “And have you reached that level?” He said, “I hope that that is so.” He said, “If you do not fear to be exposed by three Verses of Allah’s Book then do so.” The man asked, “And what are they?” He mentioned this Verse:

Enjoin you Al-Birr (piety and righteousness and each and every act of obedience to Allah) on the people and you forget (to practice it) yourselves.” (Quran 2:44)

And then asked, “
Have you applied the implications of this Verse?” He said, “No.” Ibn Abbas then mentioned the second Verse:

Why do you say that which you do not know? Most hateful it is with Allah that you say that which you do not do.” (Quran 61:2,3)

After that he asked, “
Have you applied the implications of this Verse?” He said, “No.” He then mentions the third Verse regarding Shu’aib (as):

I wish not, in contradiction to you, to do that which I forbid you.”(Quran 11:88)

And then he asked, “
Have you applied the implications of this Verse?” He said, “No.” Ibn Abbas said, “Then begin with yourself.”

Wednesday, June 6

Advice from Hasan Al-Basree

He advised some of his students admonishing them about avoiding the state of being proud. He said:

1) Do not deceive yourself into becoming too proud because you are in a good or righteous environment, for there is no place that is better than Paradise, and our father, Adam (as), experienced there what is known to all.

2) Do not become proud merely because you worship often, for consider what happened to Ibliss (Satan) after he spent a great deal of time worshipping.

3) Do not think yourself great because you have met with righteous people, for there is no man more righteous than the Prophet (saws), yet the disbelievers and hypocrites did not benefit by simply knowing him.

Tuesday, June 5

Moderation in Worship

Anas radiallahu anhu related that the Messenger salallahu alayhi wasallam entered the mosque and noticed a rope stretched out between two columns. He asked what it was there for and was told that it belonged to Zainab and when she became tired from continious worship she leans on it for support. The Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam said: "Unfasten that rope. Let one of you pray when he is active and when he is tired, let him rest." (Bukhari and Muslim)

As Time passes

Abdullah bin Masud said, "Indeed I hate to see a man idle, neither working for this world nor for the Hereafter."

Hasan Al-Basree said: "O son of Adam, indeed you are only but a number of days. Whenever a day passes, a part of you leaves with it."

Hasan said: "I have met (pious) people who are more miserly with their time than they are with their wealth."

Hasan also said in a sermon, "Do not let the temporary and little charms of this world distract you and entice you...and do not say tomorrow and tomorrow, for indeed you do not know when you will be heading to Allah."

Nice quotes from an-Nawawî's 'Kitâb al-Adhkâr'

al-Imâm ash-Shâfi'î said: "When one desires to talk, then it is upon him to think before he speaks. If there is beneficial good in what he will say, then he should speak. If he has doubt about that, then he must not speak until he clears that doubt."

Qass bin Sâ'adah and Aktham bin Sayfî once met and one of them said to the other: "How many defects were you able to find in the son of Adam?" The other responded: "They are too numerous to count. However, the defects that I was able to account for numbered eight thousand. I also discovered one thing which, if put into practice, would hide all of these defects." He asked: "What is it?" He responded: "Guarding the tongue."

al-Fudayl bin 'Iyâd said: "Whoever limits his speech to be in accordance with his actions will minimize his speech on that which doesn't concern him."

al-Imâm ash-Shâfi'î said to one of his students: "Do not speak about things that do not concern you, for indeed, every time that you speak a word, it takes control of you and you do not have control of it!"

'Abdullâh bin Mas'ûd said: "There is nothing that deserves to be imprisoned more than the tongue."

Others have stated: "The tongue is like a savage beast; if you do not lock it up, it will set out against you."

Abul-Qâsim al-Qushayrî said: "Remaining silent is salvation and that is a fundamental principle. Staying quiet at the proper time is a characteristic of manhood, just as speaking when it is proper to do so is from the most honorable of manners."

He also said: "Whoever remains silent concerning the truth, then he is a silent devil."

Guard your tongue, O mankind
And do not let it bite you, for indeed it is a snake.
How many people in the graveyards are there who were killed by their tongues?
Whoever fears meeting Allah is truly the brave one...

[Translated from 'Kitâb al-Adhkâr' of al-Imâm an-Nawawî]

Monday, June 4

The Perfect Believer

The believer is not one who performs the ordained religious duties superficially and avoids what is forbidden only, but he is one whose faith is absolute, with no objection whatsoever arising in his heart and no obsession dwelling in his soul. The more hardships he faces, the more his faith grows and the more his submission strengthens.

He could pray and not see a trace of an answer to his prayers, yet he does not change because he knows that he is owned by One who deals with him in whatever way He chooses. For if an objection was to arise in his heart, he then forsakes the role of the slave and takes on the role of a protester such as that of Iblees (the Devil).

A strong faith unveils itself in strong hardships.

A believer sees in Yahyaa, son of Zakariyyaa, a fine example. He was killed by a tyrant who confronted him, yet He (Glorified and Exalted), who made him a prophet, did not intervene nor defend him.

Similarly all the tyranny that befell the prophets and the believers was not held back from them. If one goes to think that Divinity cannot answer for them then one is a disbeliever. However if one believes that Divinity can answer for them but chooses not to, and that Allaah (Glorified and Exalted) can make the believers go hungry while disbelievers are full and inflict the believers with sickness and grant the disbelievers health, then one is only left with submission to the Owner even when tormented or scorched.

Ya'qoob cried for eighty years when Yoosuf, the son of Ya'qoob (peace be upon him) was gone, he never gave up; all he said when his other son was gone too is “May Allaah bring all of them back to me”.

Moosaa (peace be upon him) prayed against Fir'awn, who killed children and crucified magicians and cut their hands, for 40 years before he was answered.

In such submission the intensity of one’s strong faith is manifested not in mere bowings in prayer.

So many of those who glorify Allaah's Will were afflicted with tribulations and this did not increase them except in submission and pleasure with their Lord, and therein lies an explanation of the meaning of His words: "Allaah is pleased with them." (5:119 and elsewhere)

Al-Hasan al-Basri said: people are all the same in health and ease, but when hardship befalls them, true distinction is shown.

{Translated from Sayd al-Khaatir of Ibn al-Jawzi, pg. 364}

Sunday, June 3

Umar's radiallahu anhu Care for the Animals

Umar bin Al-Khattab, his care would not only reach the men and women and children of the ummah, but he would also care for the animals that were living within his territory.

Umar bin Al-Khattab, he was seen beating up a camel Sheppard and he told him "Why are you carrying on your camels a load that is too heavy to carry for them?" Why are you breaking the back of the camels?, and he was disciplining the owner because of that.

When Al-Ah'naf bin Qais and his people reached to Madina, Umar bin Al-Khattab went with them to their campground, and he was inspecting them, and he took a glance at the camels and told Al-Ah'naf "Aren't you gonna have taqwa of Allah when it comes to your animals", aren't you gonna reduce the loads of them - on them, aren't you gonna let them eat? This was a delegation that is coming to Umar bin Al-Khattab maybe to discuss important matters regarding the political status of the ummah and the military state, and Umar bin Al-Khattab is talkin about their camels.

One day Umar bin Al-Khattab wanted to eat fresh fish. They would get dry fish in Madina, but he wanted fresh fish. He felt like having some fresh fish. He mentions that to his servant. His servant travels to get him some, it was a two day journey going, two day journey coming back. And he brought some fish for Umar bin Al-Khattab.

Umar bin Al-Khattab saw him when he came in after 2 days travel. The servant came off the camel, and then started wiping the sweat off his camel. Umar bin Al-Khattab said "I have tortured an animal to satisfy my desire, wallahi I'm not gonna have anything of this to eat." He said I have tortured this camel, it's sweating, it's tired, exhausted, why?- to satisfy my desire. And he refused to have that fish, subhan'Allah.

He was once seen inspecting a camel, it was ill, so Umar bin Al-Khattab had his hand on the back of the camel and he was looking and it, and he said "I am afraid I will be asked about you on the Day of Judgment." So the care of the khalifa extended not only to the citizens of the khilafa, but also the animals living therein. And look at how we're living today, maybe it's better to be a camel in the time of Umar than to be a human today.

Transcribed from:
UMAR: HIS LIFE AND TIMES - Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki

True Hardship

"Allah has forgiven the Prophet, the Muhaajireen and the Ansaar who followed him in the time of hardship, after the hearts of a group of them had nearly deviated, but He accepted their repentance. Certainly, He is unto them full of kindness, Most Merciful." (9:117)

Mujahid said: "This verse was revealed concerning the battle of Taabuk. They left for that battle during a period of hardship. It was a year with little rain, intense heat and scarcity of supplies and water.''

Qatadah said: "They went to ash-Shaam during the year of the battle of Taabuk at a time when the heat was intense. Allaah knew how hard things were, and they suffered great hardship. We were told that two men used to divide a date between themselves. Some of them would take turns in sucking on a date and drinking water, then give it to another man to suck on. Allaah forgave them and allowed them to come back from that battle.''

Ibn Jareer reported that 'Abdullaah bin 'Abbaas said that 'Umar bin al-Khattab was reminded of the battle of hardship (Taabuk) and 'Umar said: "We went with the Messenger of Allaah in the intense heat for Taabuk. We camped at a place in which we were stricken so hard by thirst that we thought that our necks would be severed. One of us used to go out in search of water and did not return until he feared that his neck would be severed. One would slaughter his camel, squeeze its intestines and drink its content, placing whatever was left on his kidney."

(Tafseer Ibn Katheer; 2/378)

Saturday, June 2

Set yourself free...

“Unlawful desires are usually associated with ugliness. They leave behind a lingering sensation of pain and guilt. Hence, whenever you are tempted, think about liberating yourself. Think about all the remorse that would accompany the realization of those desires, and then make up your mind. Struggling your way through obedience is not an easy task. It is, however, associated with goodness and soothing pleasures. Whenever you overburden yourself (with unlawful desires) think about how nice it would be to repent and set yourself free. Think about the pleasures that lawful desires will provide and try to make the correct choice. The dilemma you will experience should be reduced by remembering the sweet pleasure and the ultimate happiness that your obedience (to Allah) will provide. Also make your struggle less of one by picturing the punishment that follows disobedience to Allah. Logically, your mind should opt for the more rewarding option and help you to endure the pain of denying yourself the realization of such desires.”

[Taken from ‘al-Fawâ’id’ of Ibn al-Qayyim]

Friday, June 1


“The sincere one is he who hides his good deeds in the same way that he would hide his bad.”

ANGER: Ten Ways to Defeat It

1 - Seek refuge with Allah from the Devil:

Sulayman bin Sard narrated:

"I was sitting with the Prophet, when two men began slandering one another. One of them was red in the face, and the veins on his neck were standing out. The Prophet said: "I know a word which, if he were to say it, what he feels would go away. If he said: "I seek refuge with Allah from the Devil," what he feels would go away.'"

['Fath al-Bari'; 6/337]

The Messenger of Allah said:

"If a man gets angry and says: "I seek refuge with Allah," his anger will go away."

['Sahih al-Jami'; # 695]

2 - Remain silent:

The Messenger of Allah said:

"If any of you becomes angry, let him keep silent."

['Sahih al-Jami'; # 693]

3 - Sit down or lie down:

"Abu Dharr was taking his camels to drink at a trough that he owned, when some other people came along and said to one another: "Who can compete with Abu Dharr in bringing animals to drink and make his hair stand on end?" A man said: "I can." So, he brought his animals and competed with Abu Dharr and ended up breaking the trough. Abu Dharr was standing when he saw this, so, he sat down, then he laid down. Someone asked him: "O Abu Dharr, why did you sit down then lie down?" He said: "The Messenger of Allah said: "If any of you becomes angry and he is standing, let him sit down, so that his anger will go away. If it does not go away, let him lie down."""

[Reported in the 'Musnad' of Ahmad (5/152) and 'Sahih al-Jami' (694)]

al-Imam al-Khattabi said: "One who is standing is in a position to strike and destroy, while the one who is sitting is less likely to do that, and the one who is lying down can do neither. It is possible that the Prophet told the angry person to sit down or lie down so that he would not do something that he would later regret, and Allah Knows best."

['Ma'alim as-Sunan'; 5/141]

4 - Smile:

Anas bin Malik narrated:

"I was walking with the Messenger of Allah, and he was wearing a Najrani cloak with a rough collar. A bedouin came and seized him roughly by the edge of his cloak, and I saw the marks left on his neck by the collar. Then the bedouin ordered him to give him some of the wealth of Allah that he had. The Prophet turned to him and smiled, then ordered that he should be given something."

['Fath al-Bari'; 10/375]

5 - Remember the advice of the Prophet:

Abu Hurayrah narrated:

"A man said to the Prophet: "Advise me." He said: "Do not become angry." The man repeated his request several times, and each time the Prophet said to him: "Do not become angry.""

['Fath al-Bari'; 10/456]

According to another narration, the man later said: "I thought about what the Prophet said, and I realized that anger combines all kinds of evil."

[Reported in the 'Musnad' of Ahmad; 5/373]

6 - Remember the high status of those who control themselves:

The Messenger of Allah said:

"The strong man is not the one who can overpower others. Rather, the strong man is the one who controls himself when he gets angry."

[Reported in the 'Musnad' of Ahmad; 2/236, and it is authentic]

The Messenger of Allah also said:

"The strongest man is the one who, when he gets angry and his face reddens and his hackles rise, is able to defeat his anger."

['Sahih al-Jami'; # 3859]

Anas bin Malik narrated

"The Messenger of Allah passed by some people who were wrestling. He asked: "What is this?" They said: "So-and-so is the strongest; he can beat anybody." The Messenger of Allah then said: "Shall I not tell you who is even stronger then him? The man who, when he is mistreated by another, controls his anger, has defeated his own devil and the devil of the one who made him angry.""

['Fath al-Bari'; 10/519]

7 - Rewards for those who control their anger

The Messenger of Allah said:

"Do not become angry, and Paradise is yours."

['Sahih al-Jami'; # 7374]

The Messenger of Allah said:

"Whoever controls his anger at the time when he has the means to act upon it, Allah will call him before all of mankind on the Day of Resurrection, and will let him choose of the Hur al-'Ayn whoever he wants."

[Reported by Abu Dawud (4777), and it is in 'Sahih al-Jami' (6518)]

8 - Remember that resisting anger is one of the signs of righteousness:

{"And march forth in the way to forgiveness from your Lord, and for a Paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth, prepared for the righteous; those who spend in prosperity and in adversity, repress anger, and pardon men. Verily, Allah loves the good-doers."} [Al 'Imran; 134]

9 - Submit to reminders:

Ibn 'Abbas narrated:

"A man sought permission to speak to 'Umar bin al-Khattab, then he said: "O Ibn al-Khattab, you are not giving us much and you are not judging fairly between us." 'Umar was so angry that he was about to attack the man, but al-Hurr bin Qays - who was one of those present - said: "O Commander of the Believers! Allah said to His Prophet: {"Show forgiveness, enjoin what is good, and turn away from the foolish."} [al-A'raf; 199], and this man is one of the foolish." By Allah, 'Umar could go no further after al-Hurr had recited this verse to him, as he a man who was careful to adhere to the Book of Allah."

['Fath al-Bari'; 4/304] opposed to how one of the hypocrites reacted when one of the Companions said to him: "Seek refuge with Allah from the Devil," So, he replied: "Do you think I am crazy? Go away!"

['Fath al-Bari'; 1/465]

10 - Remember the bad effects of anger:

'Alqamah bin Wa'il narrated:

"My father said to me: "I was sitting with the Prophet, when a man came to him leading another man by a rope. He said: "O Messenger of Allah, this man killed my brother." The Messenger of Allah asked him, "Did you kill him?" He said: "Yes, I killed him." He asked: "How did you kill him?" He said: "He and I were hitting a tree to make the leaves fall for animal feed, and then he insulted me, so I struck him on the side of the head with an axe and killed him.""

['Sahih Muslim'; # 1307]

'Abdullah bin Mas'ud reported that the Messenger of Allah said:

"Verily, the most beloved speech to Allah is the servant's saying: "Glorified are You, O Allah, and to You is the praise, and Blessed is Your Name, and Lofty is Your Majesty, and there is none worthy of worship other than You." [Subhanak Allahumma wa bihamdik wa tabarak asmuk wa ta'ala jadduk wa la ilaha ghayruk]

The most hated speech to Allah is when a man says to another man: "Fear Allah!" and he replies: "Worry about your own self!""

['Silsilat al-Ahadith as-Sahihah'; # 2598]